Team Chat
The team chat app demonstrates how to build a feature-rich chat and team collaboration application. Learn how to manage users, join chat rooms, and send messages with PubNub. Get started by downloading the app code from Github.
The team chat app comes preloaded with the following features:
- Group messaging that lets teams communicate in realtime, increasing productivity.
- User and channel metadata so you can view channel details, member’s lists, and more without storing data in a separate database.
- User presence detection to show who’s online or offline at any moment.
- Typing indicators that add responsiveness and improve communication.
- GIPHY integration so you can share GIFs and personalize your chats.
- Rich media to share emojis and links, improving the end-user experience.
- Profanity filtering to replace bad words in messages, keeping chats friendly for everyone.
SDKs & Frameworks
The app is built using PubNub Chat SDKs and Frameworks for realtime messaging. It uses the following:
- React provides tools to leverage the PubNub JavaScript SDK within a React application.
- Redux manages state of data components inside an application.
- Javascript connects and communicates with the network.
For more information, head over to PubNub Chat Documentation and get started building chat today.