Build a Plugin

A plugin allows developers to add nearly any functionality to ChatEngine. This functionality can be as simple as a typing indicator or searching for online users. Developers can build their own custom plugin(s) so that any functionality they might need can be added to ChatEngine!

Plugin Anatomy

A plugin is a NodeJS module that exports a mixin-like object that augments ChatEngine objects. This effectively hooks into the events ChatEngine creates and allows the developer to do anything before or after an Event happens.

The plugin entry must be a file called plugin.js in the root directory. From this file, you can require any other file as normal, but the entry must be plugin.js Every plugin must return an object containing the property namespace and middleware or extends. One use case would be to modify ChatEngine objects and add new methods to them. For example, this plugin adds a method called newMethod() to the Chat class.

// newmethod/plugin.js
module.exports = {
  return {
      extends: {
          Chat: {
              construct: (options) => {
                 // this is called when the plugin is attached to the Chat
                 // the Chat object is available through this.parent
                  console.log('I am extending', this.parent, 'with options', options);
              newMethod: () => {
                 // this is a new method that gets attached to Chat as Chat.newMethod()
                  console.log('New Method Fired - this Chat object is available as this.parent');


To actually use the plugin you can attach it to a Chat object.

// include the plugin via require
newMethodPlugin = require('newmethod/plugin.js');

// create a chat for the plugin to attach to
chat = new ChatEngine.Chat('my-plugin-chat');

// attach the plugin to the chat
// newMethodPlugin.construct() is called and console log is fired
  myparam: true

// Console: I am extending ChatEngine.Chat with options {myParam: true}

// Console: New Method Fired - this Chat object is available as this.parent

When the plugin is installed, every instance of ChatEngine.Chat will have a new method called newMethod(). You can call the method like someChat.newMethod().