Advanced Security


Currently, ChatEngine leverages two internal PubNub services to handle granting and revoking user access control lists (ACLs) across the various chat channels assigned to CE users.

  1. PubNub Functions (microservice).
  2. PubNub Access Monitor (PAM).

In short, communication follows this pattern:

  1. ChatEngine Client code sends a series of RESTful HTTP calls to a PubNub On Request Function (i.e. a microservice running the ChatEngine backend).
  2. ChatEngine first tries to connect to default chat channels generated from The PubNub ChatEngine Function receives a request and makes subsequent grant calls to PubNub's PAM service (the authorization service), granting either read and/or write access to appropriate ChatEngine chat channels.
  3. Next, ChatEngine tries to connect to default chat channels generated from ChatEngine.Me. Similar to step 2, requests are routed to the PubNub ChatEngine On Request Function, granting read and/or write access to the relevant ChatEngine ChatEngine.Me chat channels.
  4. After the two connection attempts, if successful, ChatEngine emits a $.ready event, signaling that ChatEngine has successfully initialized and connected to the default and ChatEngine.Me chat channels.

A secretKey is required to grant access with PAM. The PubNub ChatEngine Function stores an encrypted version of the secretKey within a secret store (PubNub Functions Vault module)

Editing the Default Security Policy

While the default ChatEngine security policy is sufficient to prevent users from accessing other users' private, feed and direct chats, a user might still be able to connect to ChatEngine with a random UUID and access all [public chats]( ChatEngine.Global).

In order to implement additional security controls, the default security policy can be amended by adding logic to the PubNub ChatEngine Function. Since authKeys are generated by your server, a custom policy can be added in the PubNub ChatEngine Function to send XMLHttpRequest (XHR) requests to the server to validate a user UUID and authKey. If the authKey is invalid or expired, the PubNub ChatEngine Function can block the ChatEngine.connect() call.

This effectively provides ChatEngine with authentication logic. To read further on this topic, refer to the following documentation on adding authentication to CE.