
Default Security Policy

When you call ChatEngine.connect() with a UUID parameter, the client SDK calls PubNub Functions and Access Manager features to grant the user access to a set of chat channels by default. Once access is granted, the user’s UUID and chat association is stored in PubNub and used for future logins.


The method also allows you to provide an authKey for added security. When an authKey is provided, the user is granted access to chat channels based on the UUID and authKey. Typically an authKey is generated by a third party authentication service and passed on to PubNub.

ChatEngine.connect('UUID', {}, 'authKey');

Each user is granted access to the following channels upon login:

Channel Reference Sample Format Default Permissions
Global Channel chat-engine read/write access for all users.
Direct Channel Me#direct chat-engine#user#uuid#write#direct The user who owns the channel has all permissions, while other users only have write permissions
Feed Channel Me#feed chat-engine#user#uuid#read#feed The user who owns the channel has all permissions, while other users only have read permissions
Public Channels ChatEngine#chats chat-engine#chat#public.#custom-channel read/write access for all users.
Private Channels ChatEngine#chats chat-engine#chat#private.#private-channel read/write access for all users.

Securing Chats

The default authPolicy() method for ChatEngine is open and has no restrictions on the chats a user can join. A user’s private, feed, and direct chats are accessible by anyone.

ChatEngine developers may update this authPolicy() method to introduce stricter access control across their ChatEngine user base.

It is possible to edit the default auth policy by adding logic to the ChatEngine PubNub Function. This logic can be added to the ```authPolicy()`` method within the PubNub Function code.

For example, you may send a request to a 3rd party server to validate a user’s UUID and authKey. If the authKey is invalid or expired, the auth policy can prevent the client from ever connecting.

Follow the steps below to edit the ChatEngine auth policy:

  • Navigate to the PubNub Admin Portal.
  • Find your ChatEngine app.
  • Locate the ChatEngine PubNub Functions.
  • Edit the authPolicy() code within the PubNub Function.
  • Save the PubNub Function code and restart the PubNub Module.