
* Emits the ```$typingIndicator.startTyping``` and ``$typingIndicator.stopTyping``` even on a {@link Chat} when a user is marked as typing or not typing.
* @module chat-engine-typing-indicator
* @requires {@link ChatEngine}

@param {Object} [config] The plugin config object
@param {Integer} [config.timeout] Fires the "stopTyping" event if have not typed within this setting. Milliseconds.

//providing a config is optional, the default timeout is 1000ms
let config = { timeout: 1000 }

// emit the typing event

// manually emit the stop tying event
// this is automagically emitted after the timeout period, or when a message is sent

// typing boolean
// False

chat.on('$typingIndicator.startTyping', (payload) => {
    console.log(payload.user, "is typing...");

chat.on('$typingIndicator.stopTyping', (payload) => {
        (payload.user, "is not typing.");

module.exports = (config = {}) => {

    // set the default for typing
    // if the client types input, we wont fire "stopTyping" unless the client
    // doesn't type anything for this timeout
    config.timeout = config.timeout || 1000;

    // create a place to store the setTimeout in
    let stopTypingTimeout = null;

    // define the methods that will be attached to the class Chat
    class extension  {
        construct() {

            // will set Chat.typingIndicator.isTyping to false immediately
            this.isTyping = false;


        emit an event over the network that this user started typing
        @method typingindicator"."startTyping
        @ceextends Chat
        startTyping() {

            if(!this.isTyping) {
                this.parent.emit(['$' + 'typingIndicator', 'startTyping'].join('.'));

            // this is called manually by the client

            // set boolean that we're in middle of typing
            this.isTyping = true;

            // kill any existing timeouts

            // create a new timeout
            stopTypingTimeout = setTimeout (() => {

                // trigger stop typing after a set amount of time

            }, config.timeout);


        @method typingindicator"."stopTyping
        @ceextends Chat
        stopTyping() {

            // we must be currently typing to stop typing
            // if(this.isTyping) {

                // remove the timeout

                broadcast a stoptyping event
                @event $typingIndiciator"."stopTyping
                @ceextends Chat
                this.parent.emit(['$' + 'typingIndicator', 'stopTyping'].join('.'));

                // stop typing indicator
                this.isTyping = false;

            // }


    // define emit middleware
    let emit = {
        message: (payload, next) => {

            // it's worth noting here, we can't access ```extension``` here
            // because this function runs in a different context

            // on every message, tell the chat to stop typing

            // continue on
            next(null, payload);

    // define both the extended methods and the middleware in our plugin
    return {
        namespace: 'typingIndicator',
        extends: {
            Chat: extension
        middleware: {
