
* Searches a {@link Chat} for a {@link User} with a ```state.username``` containing a given string.
* @module chat-engine-online-user-search

const dotty = require('dotty');

* @function
* @param {Object} [config] The config object
* @example
* //providing a config is optional, the defaults are below
* let config = { prop: 'uuid', caseSensitive: false }
* chat.plugin(ChatEngineCore.plugin['chat-engine-online-user-search'](config));
* let results ='foo');
module.exports = (config) => {

    config = config || {};
    config.prop = config.prop || 'uuid';
    config.caseSensitive = config.caseSensitive || false;

    // these are new methods that will be added to the extended class

    * @method  search
    * @ceextends Chat
    * @param {String} needle The username to search for.
    * @returns {Array} An array of {@link User}s that match the input string.
    class extension {
      search(needle) {

          // an empty array of users we found
          var returnList = [];

          if(!config.caseSensitive) {
              needle = needle.toLowerCase();

          // for every user that the parent chat knows about
          for(var key in this.parent.users) {

              let haystack  = this.parent.users[key];
              let target = dotty.get(haystack, config.prop);

              // see if that user username includes the input text
              if(haystack && target) {

                  if(!config.caseSensitive) {
                      target = target.toLowerCase();

                  if(target.indexOf(needle) > -1) {

                      // if it does, add it to the list of returned users



          // return all found users
          return returnList;


    // add this plugin to the Chat classes
    return {
      namespace: 'onlineUserSearch',
      extends: {
        Chat: extension,
        GlobalChat: extension
