* @overview Emojis are an essential aspect of today's chat conversations and applications. With the ChatEngine Emoji plugin, you can enable the ability for your users to use emojis in their conversations.
* @module chat-engine-emoji
* @description Parses emoji in ```payload.data.text```.
const emojis = require('./emoji.js');
const dotty = require("dotty");
// this is an example of middleware used in our test.js
// adds some text to message before it's sent and when it's received
* @function
* @ceplugin
* @requires {@link ChatEngine}
* @param {Object} config The config object
* @param {String} [prop="data.text"] The payload to search for.
* @param {String} [event="message"] The ChatEngine event that will trigger emoji parsing.
* @param {Function} config.title The title of the desktop notification
* @param {Integer} [height=16] The height of the resulting emojiß images
* @param {String} [url] The web directory where emoji images are hosted. Filename (ex: /smile.png) will be added.
* @example
* const emoji = require('./src/plugin.js');
* chat = new OCF.Chat('emoji-chat');
* chat.plugin(emoji());
* chat.on('message', (payload) => {
* // payload.data.text == '<img class="emoji" title=":pizza:" alt="pizza" src="http://www.webpagefx.com/tools/emoji-cheat-sheet/graphics/emojis/pizza.png" height="16" />';
* });
* chat.emit('message', {
* text: 'I want :pizza:'
* });
module.exports = (config = {}) => {
// regular expression to find emoji strings
const test = /:[a-z0-9_\-\+]+:/g;
config.event = config.event || 'message';
// where in the payload the text is
config.prop = config.prop || 'data.text';
config.height = config.height || 16;
// where emoji images are hosted. filename (ex: /smile.png) will be added
config.url = config.url || 'http://www.webpagefx.com/tools/emoji-cheat-sheet/graphics/emojis';
// function to parse string for :smile: and other emoji
const emoji = (someString, url = config.url, height = config.height) => someString.replace(test, (match) => {
// use regex to find emoji and replace with html
let result = match;
// if text string is in list of emojis
if (emojis.indexOf(match) !== -1) {
// remove the : before and after
let name = String(match).slice(1, -1);
// return html image, using url and height supplied in
// function
result = '<img class="emoji" title=":' + name
+ ':" alt="' + name + '" src="' + url + '/'
+ encodeURIComponent(name) + '.png"'
+ (height ? (' height="' + height + '"') : '')
+ ' />';
return result;
* Turns```:smile:``` into ```<img src="/smile.png" />```
* @listens message
* @listens $history.message
* @ceextends Chat
let parseEmoji = function(payload, next) {
let message = dotty.get(payload, config.prop);
// check if this sub property exists
if(message.length) {
// parse emoji
let newPayload = emoji(message, config.url, config.height);
dotty.put(payload, config.prop, newPayload);
// continue along middleware
next(null, payload);
// these are new methods that will be added to the extended class
class extension {
* Renders emoji given ```:smile:``` as input.
* @method render
* @ceextends Chat
* @param {String} string The emoji text to turn into an icon
* @param {String} url Root url to look for emoji images
* @param {Int} height Height of the emoji icons
* @returns {String} Returns the IMG HTML for this emoji
render(string, url, height) {
return emoji(string, url, height);
* Finds partial string matches of emoji text by searching emoji db.
* @method search
* @ceextends Chat
* @param {Strings} query The partial text to search for
* @returns {Array} An array of matching emoji strings. Call the render function to display these.
search(query) {
var results = [];
for(var i in emojis) {
if(emojis[i].substring(0, query.length) == query) {
return results;
let result = {
namespace: 'emoji',
middleware: {
on: {}
extends: {
Chat: extension
result.middleware.on[config.event] = parseEmoji;
result.middleware.on['$history.' + config.event] = parseEmoji;
// middleware tells the framework to use these functions when
// messages are sent or received
return result;