

Package-level declarations


Name Summary
PNGetStateResult [jvm]
class PNGetStateResult(val stateByUUID: Map<String, JsonElement>)
Result of the GetPresenceState operation.
PNHereNowChannelData [jvm]
class PNHereNowChannelData(val channelName: String, val occupancy: Int, var occupants: List<PNHereNowOccupantData> = emptyList())
Wrapper class representing ‘here now’ data for a given channel.
PNHereNowOccupantData [jvm]
class PNHereNowOccupantData(val uuid: String, val state: JsonElement? = null)
Wrapper class representing a UUID (user) within the means of HereNow calls.
PNHereNowResult [jvm]
class PNHereNowResult(val totalChannels: Int, val totalOccupancy: Int, val channels: MutableMap<String, PNHereNowChannelData> = mutableMapOf())
Result of the HereNow operation.
PNSetStateResult [jvm]
class PNSetStateResult(val state: JsonElement)
Result of the PubNubImpl.setPresenceState operation.