pubnub library

PubNub is an SDK that allows you to communicate with PubNub Data Streaming Network in a fast and easy manner.

The best starting point to take a look around is the PubNub class that combines all available features.


AddMessageActionResult Results
Result of add message actions endpoint call.
AddPushChannelsResult Push Results
Result of add push channels endpoint call.
BaseMessage Basic Features
Represents a base message.
Groups common batch features together.
BatchHistoryResult Results
Result of batch history endpoint call.
BatchHistoryResultEntry Results
Message from batch history endpoint.
Channel Basic Features
Represents a single channel.
ChannelGroupChangeChannelsResult Results
Result of add or remove channels of channel group endpoint call.
ChannelGroupDeleteResult Results
Result of remove channel group endpoint call.
Groups channel group methods together.
ChannelGroupListChannelsResult Results
Result of list channel groups channels endpoint call.
Represents history of messages in a channel that can be counted, fetched or removed.
ChannelIdInfo Objects
Represents channel id input.
ChannelMemberMetadata Objects Results
Represents channel member metadata.
ChannelMemberMetadataInput Objects
Represents channel member metadata operations input.
ChannelMembersResult Objects Results
Result of channel members endpoint calls.
ChannelMetadataDetails Objects Results
Represents channel metadata.
ChannelMetadataInput Objects
Represents channel metadata operations input.
ChannelOccupancy Results
Represents current channel participants.
CountMessagesResult Results
Result of count messages endpoint call.
Configuration used in cryptography.
CryptoModule is responsible for encryption and decryption of PubNub messages.
DeleteFileResult Files Results
Result of delete file endpoint call.
DeleteMessageActionResult Results
Result of delete message actions endpoint call.
Represents a device used in push endpoints.
DownloadFileResult Files Results
Result of download file endpoint call.
Envelope Basic Features Results
Represents a message received from a subscription.
Exponential retry policy.
FetchMessageActionsResult Results
Result of fetch message actions endpoint call.
FileDetail Files Results
Represents a file uploaded to PubNub.
FileDx Files
Groups file methods together.
FileInfo Files
Represents file information.
FileMessage Files
Represents message with attached file.
GetAllChannelMetadataResult Objects Results
Result of get all channels metadata endpoint call.
GetAllUuidMetadataResult Objects Results
Result of get all UUID metadata endpoint call.
GetChannelMetadataResult Objects Results
Result of get channels metadata endpoint call.
GetUserStateResult Results
Result of get user state endpoint call.
GetUuidMetadataResult Objects Results
Result of get UUID metadata endpoint call.
HeartbeatResult Results
Result of heartbeat endpoint call.
HereNowResult Results
Result of here now endpoint call.
Keyset Basic Features
Represents a configuration for a given subscribe key.
Represents a collection of Keyset.
LeaveResult Results
Result of leave endpoint call.
Linear retry policy.
ListFilesResult Files Results
Result of list files endpoint call.
ListPushChannelsResult Push Results
Result of list push channels endpoint call.
MembershipMetadata Objects Results
Represents membership metadata.
MembershipMetadataInput Objects
Represents membership metadata operations input.
MembershipsResult Objects Results
Result of memberships endpoint calls.
MessageAction Results
Represents a message action.
ObjectsDx Objects
Groups objects methods together.
Represents readonly history of messages in a channel.
PamRevokeTokenResult Results PAM v3
Result of Revoke Token endpoint call.
PresenceEvent Results
Represents an event in presence.
PublishFileMessageResult Files Results
Result of publish file message endpoint call.
PublishResult Results
Result of publish endpoint call.
PubNub Basic Features
PubNub library.
RemoveChannelMetadataResult Objects Results
Result of remove channels metadata endpoint call.
RemoveDeviceResult Push Results
Result of remove device endpoint call.
RemovePushChannelsResult Push Results
Result of remove push channels endpoint call.
RemoveUuidMetadataResult Objects Results
Result of remove UUID metadata endpoint call.
Resource Access Manager
Represents a resource in PAM.
Retry policy represents a policy used when retrying a network operation.
SetChannelMetadataResult Objects Results
Result of set channels metadata endpoint call.
SetUserStateResult Results
Result of set user state endpoint call.
SetUuidMetadataResult Objects Results
Result of set UUID metadata endpoint call.
SignalResult Results
Result of signal endpoint call.
Represents a subscription to a set of channels and channel groups.
Timetoken Basic Features
Represents a timetoken value returned and required by most PubNub APIs.
Token Access Manager
Token returned by the PAM.
TokenRequest Access Manager
Represents a token request.
UserId Basic Features
Represents an UserID.
UUID Basic Features
Represents an UUID.
UuIdInfo Objects
Represents UUID input.
UuidMetadataDetails Objects Results
Represents UUID metadata.
UuidMetadataInput Objects
Represents UUID metadata operations input.
WhereNowResult Results
Result of where now endpoint call.


Order of messages based on timetoken.
Environment Push
Environment type.
MessageType Basic Features
Represents the type of a message.
Represents a presence action.
PushGateway Push
Push gateway type.
ResourceType Access Manager
Represents a resource type.
Represents an amount of state requested.

Exceptions / Errors

InvalidArgumentsException Exceptions
An exception thrown when some argument is invalid.
InvariantException Exceptions
Exception thrown when one of the invariants of a method is broken.
KeysetException Exceptions
An exception that happens during keyset creation or resolution.
MalformedResponseException Exceptions
An exception thrown when the API has returned an unexpected response.
MaximumRetriesException Exceptions
An exception thrown when maximum amount of retries has been reached.
MethodDisabledException Exceptions
An exception thrown when a disabled API has been requested.
NotImplementedException Exceptions
An exception thrown when a method is not yet implemented.
PublishException Exceptions
An exception thrown when publish fails.
PubNubException Exceptions
An exception thrown by the PubNub SDK.
UnknownException Exceptions
An exception thrown when something unexpected happens in the SDK.