grant method

Future<PamGrantResult> grant(
  1. Set<String> authKeys, {
  2. int? ttl,
  3. Set<String>? channels,
  4. Set<String>? channelGroups,
  5. Set<String>? uuids,
  6. bool? write,
  7. bool? read,
  8. bool? manage,
  9. bool? delete,
  10. bool? get,
  11. bool? update,
  12. bool? join,
  13. Keyset? keyset,
  14. String? using,

Use this method to modify permissions for provided authKeys.

  • ttl signifies how long those permissions will be in place.
  • channels are set of channels for which grant permissions will be applied.
  • channelGroups are set of channel groups for which grant persmissions will be applied.
  • uuids are set of target user ids for which grant permissions will be applied.
  • write is for write permission : true for allowing write operation, false to restrict
  • read is for read permission : true for allowing read operation, false to restrict
  • manage is for manage permission : true for allowing manage operation, false to restrict
  • delete is for delete permission : true for allowing delete operation, false to restrict
  • get is for get permission: true for allowing get operations, false to restrict
  • update is for update permission: true for allowing update opertaions, false to restrict
  • join for join permission: true for allowing join operations, false to restrict

** Permissions can not be modified for channels/channel groups AND UUID(s) (user(s)) in a single method call


Future<PamGrantResult> grant(Set<String> authKeys,
    {int? ttl,
    Set<String>? channels,
    Set<String>? channelGroups,
    Set<String>? uuids,
    bool? write,
    bool? read,
    bool? manage,
    bool? delete,
    bool? get,
    bool? update,
    bool? join,
    Keyset? keyset,
    String? using}) async {
  keyset ??= keysets[using];

  if ((uuids != null && uuids.isNotEmpty) &&
      ((channels != null && channels.isNotEmpty) ||
          (channelGroups != null && channelGroups.isNotEmpty))) {'not-together', 'channles/channelGroups', ['uuids']);
  var params = PamGrantParams(keyset, authKeys,
      ttl: ttl,
      channels: channels,
      channelGroups: channelGroups,
      uuids: uuids,
      write: write,
      read: read,
      manage: manage,
      delete: delete,
      get: get,
      update: update,
      join: join);

  var result = await defaultFlow<PamGrantParams, PamGrantResult>(
      keyset: keyset,
      core: this,
      params: params,
      serialize: (object, [_]) => PamGrantResult.fromJson(object));

  if (result.warning) {

  return result;