getFileUrl method

Uri getFileUrl(
  1. String channel,
  2. String fileId,
  3. String fileName, {
  4. Keyset? keyset,
  5. String? using,

Returns Uri to download the file with fileId and fileName from channel.

You can download the file by making a GET request to returned Uri.

If the file is encrypted, you will have to decrypt it on your own.

If keyset is not provided, then it tries to obtain a keyset using name. If that fails, then it uses the default keyset. If that fails as well, then it will throw InvariantException.


Uri getFileUrl(String channel, String fileId, String fileName,
    {Keyset? keyset, String? using}) {
  keyset ??= _core.keysets[using];
  var pathSegments = [
  var queryParams = {
    'pnsdk': 'PubNub-Dart/${Core.version}',
    'uuid': keyset.uuid.value,
    if (keyset.secretKey != null)
      'timestamp': '${Time().now()!.millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000}',
    if (keyset.authKey != null) 'auth': keyset.authKey!
  if (keyset.secretKey != null) {
        {'signature': computeSignature(keyset, pathSegments, queryParams)});

  return Uri(
    scheme: 'https',
    host: '',
    pathSegments: pathSegments,
    queryParameters: queryParams,