AIs are driving taxis. They are answering Phones.

Did you know that AI is already taking Human Jobs? This isn’t anything new when you think of technology and automation replacing tedious human labor. But Artificial Intelligence is new and more profound when it comes to taking your job. Artificial intelligence affects human jobs. AI can mimic complex thinking. Artificial Intelligences can network together and share complex thoughts and memories seamlessly. AI is nearing the level of human intuition. AI is scary accurate.

Choosing a Human Workforce or AI

Replacing a workforce is possible within a matter of minutes. So what? Technology is the future right? Technology #ftw. Couple of things. Do we start treating artificial intelligence with human-style compensations with bitcoin? The displaced human jobs, we have to do something for them right?

So the Business owner’s dilemma… kinda but not really is:

  1. Grow your business 10x using AI for almost free.
  2. or pay many human salaries for a 1x growth?

Oh, ugh right. You pick the “make me lots of money” option. Just so you know that you will save a mountain in paying salaries. Plus you get the bonus 10x grow fast boost. But that means they did it; they won. They succeeded in taking your jobs, right? Yep.

they terk er jerbs!

AI is taking your jobs. And it’s being made available for free here: open-growth

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